
Section 2

Personnel Expenditures

COOR ISD Personnel Expenditures 2023-2024

Section 3

Collective Bargaining Agreements

Teachers: COOR Educational Association (CEA)

July 2024-June 2027 Agreement

Support Staff: COOR Educational Support Personnel Association (CESPA)

July 2023-June 2025 Agreement

Health Care Plans

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

BCBS Community Blue Option

BCBS Simply Blue HSA Option

Additional Benefits- CESPA only

Additional Benefits- Employees not in CESPA

Health Care Plan Bids

Current Health Care Plan Bids

Annual Financial Report

COOR ISD Audit 2023-2024

Procurement Policy

Policy 3301- Purchasing & Procurement

Policy 3301A- Purchasing & Procurement with Federal Funds

Reimbursable Expenses

Reimbursable Expenses - Board of Education

Reimbursable Expenses - Staff

Check Register

COOR ISD Check Register 2023-2024

Sections 4-9

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Policy & Procedures:

COOR ISD FOIA Policy & Procedures

Sample FOIA Request Form

Fee Itemization Form

Procedure Details

Educator Evaluation System- Posting & Assurances

Superintendent Evaluation Tool

MASB Evaluation Tool Posting and Assurances
Michigan Association of School Boards

Principal Evaluation Tool

School ADvance Administrator Evaluation System Assurances for Michigan Users
© School ADvance™ All Rights Reserved”

Teacher Evaluation Tool

5 D+ Posting and Assurances

Title IX - Sexual Harassment Training

Thrun Law Firm, P.C. has provided our updated Title IX training. Alexis Ferguson is the new Title IX Coordinator.

Comprehensive Title IX training document

Shawn Petri Certificate of Training

Alexis Ferguson Certificate of Training

Melisa Akers Certificate of Training

Supplemental Reporting - C.O.O.R. Intermediate School District

MI School Data - COOR Intermediate School District

MI School Data  - COOR Educational Center

2024-2025 Annual Education Report

Annual Education Report 

2021-22 Section 98b Goal Progress Report

2022-23 Section 98b Goal Progress Report

Water Testing

PDF DocumentMandatory state water test results Nov 2022

Other Categories

Required viewing software

All downloads will be in PDF format and may be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader, OpenOffice, or other free programs.  See link in green bar below to "download latest PDF viewer."

Our administration continues to follow the Centers for Disease Control and local health district guidance on respiratory viruses.

respiratory virus guidance snapshot- prevention strategies 

The CDC released new Respiratory Virus Guidance on Friday, March 1, 2024. In this guidance, they discussed that while COVID-19 is still an important public health threat, it is no longer the emergency it once was. Its health impacts increasingly resemble the impacts of other respiratory viral illnesses such as influenza and RSV. The CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance provides a unified, practical approach to address risks from a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, influenza, and RSV, that have similar routes of transmission and symptoms and similar prevention strategies.

While officially updated school guidance is not yet available, the Respiratory Virus Guideline FAQs, question and answer #6 states that,  “(it) will align with the updated Respiratory Virus Guidance and other disease-specific guidance and include considerations for children with special health care needs.”

At this time, schools can use the CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance in management of all upper respiratory virus/influenza-virus-like illness (ILI)/COVID-like illness. It is recommended that these guidelines be used in conjunction with the Managing Communicable Diseases in Schools guide from MDHHS, as well as guidance from their local health department whenever needed. Note, there is no longer guidance specific to close contacts of COVID.

Guidance for parents

Incorporating the guidance from the CDC Respiratory Virus GuidanceManaging Communicable Diseases in Schools, and American Academy of Pediatrics "Managing infectious diseases in child care and schools: a quick reference guide", the following general guidance could be used at your discretion for students and staff:

Keep your student home if:

  • They have had a fever* within the past 24 hours and are not feeling well or are not acting like they normally do AND/OR
  • They have been vomiting (throwing up) or having diarrhea within the past 24 hours AND/OR
  • They feel too sick to be able to take part in their classwork.

*Usually considered a fever if your child’s temperature is 100.4°F or higher

Send your students back to school when:

  • It has been at least 24 hours since both their symptoms are getting better overall, and they have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication) AND
  • They feel well enough to take part in their classwork AND
  • If they have been vomiting (throwing up) or having diarrhea, they haven’t had any within the past 24 hours AND
  • If they saw their healthcare provider, their healthcare provider says it is ok to go back to school.

If your child had symptoms^ of a respiratory illness, like COVID, flu, or a cold:

  • Consider testing them for things like COVID or flu if it will help make decisions to protect yourself and others.
  • For five days after going back to normal activities:
  • Consider having them wear a mask and try to keep some physical distance between themselves and others to lower the risk of spreading viruses.

^Symptoms of respiratory illness could be runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, chest discomfort, wheezing, fever or feeling feverish, chills, headache, muscle or body aches, fatigue (tiredness), weakness, decrease in appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, new loss of taste or smell, or others.

Anytime your child is sick:

  • Remind them how to cough and sneeze in a way least likely to spread germs.
  • Make sure they wash their hands properly.
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces, such as countertops, handrails, computers, phones, and doorknobs regularly.

Help keep your family from getting sick:

  • Improve the ventilation, or flow of fresh air, in your home.
  • Keep up to date on recommended immunizations.
  • Try to get enough sleep, activity, and healthy foods.


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