9000-General Public and Organizational Relations
Section 9000 - General Public and Organizational Relations
9001 School Community Relations
9001.1 Goals and Objectives
9010 Public Information Program
9010.1 Public’s Right to Know
9010.2 School-Sponsored Information Media
9010.3 Hazardous Materials or Conditions
9020 News Media Relations
9020.1 News Releases
9020.2 News Conferences and Interviews
9060 Information and Campaigns
9060.1 Use of Students
9100 Board-Community Relations
9100.1 Goals and Objectives
9120 Recognition
9170 Solicitations
9170.1 Solicitations in Schools
9170.2 Solicitation of Students
9170.3 Solicitation by Students
9230 School Volunteers (Cf. 7485)
9230.1 General Principles
9250 Use of District Facilities (Cf. 3340)
9250.1 Equipment
9290 Crowd Control at School Sponsored Activities
9290.1 Definition of Disturbances or Disorders
9300 Tobacco Products On/In District Premises
9350 Public Gifts and Bequests
9350.1 Gifts to Schools
9350.2 Income from Gifts and Bequests
9350.3 Gifts by District Employees
9350.4 Gifts to District Employees
9350.5 Students’ Gifts to Staff Members
9350.6 Students’ Gifts to the School
9370 Free Materials Distribution in Schools
9370.1 Political Campaign Materials
9370.2 Special Interest Materials
9370.3 Advertising In the Schools
9370.4 Use of Religious Materials
9370.5 Dissemination of Religious Materials
9400 Visitors to the Schools
9400.1 Public/Parent/Guardian Visitors to the Schools
9450 Complaints
9450.1 About Policies
9450.2 About Curriculum
9450.3 About Instructional Materials
9450.4 About Facilities and Services
9450.5 About Personnel
9470 Loitering - Unauthorized Persons
9500 Relations with Other Intermediate School Agencies or Districts
9510 Relations with Educational Institutions and Organizations
9520 Citizens’ Advisory Committees
9540 School-General Government Relations
9570 Relations with Law Enforcement and Investigating Authorities
9600 Relationship with Planning Authorities
9610 Relationship with Zoning Authorities
9620 Relations with Political Organizations (Cf. 7760)
9670 Relations with Federal Governmental Authorities
9710 Relations with Parent/Guardian Organizations (Cf. 9730)
9720 Parent/Guardian and School Partnerships
9720.1 Relation with Parents/Guardians
9730 Relationship with Booster Organizations (Cf. 9410)
9750 Relations with Special Interest Groups
9750.1 Political/Commercial Interests
9750.2 Contests/Exhibits
9750.3 Distribution/Posting of Literature
9750.4 Prizes/Scholarships
9800 Work Agreements for Vocational and Pre-Vocational Components of Special Education Programs
9800.1 Agreements with Private Individuals
9800.2 Agreements with Private Business or Industry
9800.3 Agreements with Non-Profit Organizations
9840 Student Teaching and Internships
9900 Education Research Agencies
9001.1 Goals and Objectives
Educational public relations are a planned and systematic two-way process of communication between the Board, the District, and its internal and external public. Its program serves to stimulate a better understanding of the role, objectives, accomplishments and needs of the organization. Educational public relations are a management function that interprets public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual organization with the public interest and executes a program of action to encourage public involvement and to earn public understanding and acceptance.
The Board shall, through its staff:
Keep the patrons of the District regularly informed through available channels of communication on policies, programs, problems, and planning of the school system;
Invite the advice and counsel of the District patrons; and
Solicit input of the District patrons through advisory committees selected from the community.
The Board seeks to establish a satisfactory working relationship with all governmental, educational, and private agencies having an interest in the operation of all public schools and whose goals are compatible with those of the District.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board accepts full responsibility for keeping the public informed about the function and operation of the District.
9010.1 Public’s Right to Know
All decisions of the Board shall be made in public with full opportunity extended to citizens to be heard prior to the making of these decisions. Closed Sessions shall be held to a minimum and only for specific reasons as provided by current law.
9010.2 School-Sponsored Information Media
The Superintendent shall be responsible for the content of all District news releases, newsletters, bulletins, and special publications and such other District-sponsored information media that he/she deems necessary.
Department Directors may publish and distribute a newsletter or other publication designed for the parents/guardians of that particular program. Copies of such shall all be forwarded to the Superintendent for distribution to Board members.
9010.3 Hazardous Materials or Conditions
The Superintendent shall be responsible for informing the public about any hazardous materials or conditions in the District under the provision of the Michigan Public Health Code.
The implementation of the public information program of the District shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent.
Approved: December 11, 2002
(Cf. 1400)
The Board shall cooperate fully with all responsible news media representatives in order that the public may be more fully informed about the operations of its schools.
9020.1 News Releases
News and information concerning school events and programs may be released to the press or with the approval of the Superintendent. All other news releases prepared for public distribution under the auspices of the District by employees or students of the District must have the approval of the Superintendent prior to release.
In order to avoid duplication of material, maintain a consistent policy with regard to school publicity, and to maintain a central file of releases and pictures, a procedure will be followed that requires all publicity released by or on behalf of the District to be cleared through the Superintendent.
9020.2 News Conferences and Interviews
All news conferences and interviews will be scheduled in such a manner that they do not disrupt the regular learning activities of the schools. Any representative of the news media seeking to interview any student during regular school hours must first gain the approval of the building administrator and parents/guardians.
Approved: December 11, 2002
All information campaigns of the District shall be under the direction of the Superintendent. District funds shall not be used in millage, bond, or political campaigns.
9060.1 Use of Students
Students shall not be used by the Board in any capacity to implement any information program of the District except that notes, attendance center announcements or related information may be sent home via students.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 169.257
9100.1 Goals and Objectives
Educational public relations are a planned and systematic two-way process of communication between the Board, the District, and its internal and external publics. Its program serves to stimulate a better understanding of the role, objectives, accomplishments and needs of the organization. Educational public reactions are a management function that interprets public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of individual organization with the public interest and executes a program of action to encourage public involvement and to earn public understanding and acceptance.
The Board shall, through its staff:
a.Keep the patrons of the Districts regularly informed through available channels of communication on policies, programs, problems, and planning of the ISD;
b.Invite the advice and counsel of the District patrons; and to solicit input of the District patrons through advisory committees selected from the community and appointed by the Board; and
c.Seek to establish a satisfactory working relationship with all governmental, educational and private agencies having an interest in the operation of all public schools and whose goals are compatible with those of the District.
The Superintendent shall direct an information program designed to acquaint the citizens of the communities and public, including local Board of Education, with the achievements and the needs of the District. The Superintendent shall report to the Board on the Public Information Program periodically.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The purpose of this policy is to permit the Board to honor its staff, former Board members, and other non‑employee persons with plaques, pins, token retirement gifts, awards, and other amenities.
The Board may also wish to honor staff, students, citizens, and advisory groups for their contributions with appropriate recognitions and authorizes administrators to purchase meals, non-alcoholic beverages and refreshments, and/or other amenities to further the interests of the District.
The expenses incurred as listed above do serve a public purpose and are an appropriate use of public funds. The Board believes that "public purpose" serves for the promotion of education, rapport with the business community, community relations, and encouragement of non‑employees to serve as volunteers as well as furthering other interests.
The Board may send an appropriate floral arrangement to an employee or member of the Board who is hospitalized due to serious illness.
An appropriate floral arrangement may be sent by the Board in the event of the death of an employee, present or past member of the Board, or the spouse or children of an employee.
A suitable message of sympathy may be sent in the event of the death of other members of the employee or Board member's immediate family.
Approved: December 11, 2002
All persons seeking to sell, solicit, or display an item relating directly to expenditures of District funds to any school employee on school premises must first secure permission from the Building/Program Administrator or Superintendent before any appointment is made. All other solicitations of, or by, District employees are prohibited except where expressly approved by the Superintendent.
The Board discourages all solicitations of and by staff members during regular school hours.
The Board discourages all solicitations of and by students during regular school hours.
9170.1 Solicitations in Schools
Except as approved by the Building/Program Administrator, commercial firms shall not be permitted to solicit students during school hours in attendance centers or on school grounds.
Solicitations from organizations outside the school are forbidden.
All special sales projects by students are subject to the approval of the Superintendent. This policy shall include sale of advertising, magazines, and merchandise.
Commercial schools, colleges or other agencies shall be permitted to meet with seniors or solicit prospective students only when the invitation and arrangements are approved by the Building/Program Administrator. Counseling of students relative to continuation of their schooling or to job placement by outside organizations shall be handled through the guidance department under the supervision of the guidance counselor.
9170.2 Solicitation of Students
Solicitation of students by anyone within the schools or on school grounds for any cause is prohibited. This prohibition includes the selling of tickets to students for any purpose or cause other than for a school sponsored activity.
9170.3 Solicitation by Students
Solicitations by students within the schools or on school grounds for any cause is prohibited except as they relate to school-sponsored activities.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The purposes of the District’s volunteer program are:
a.To increase the educational attainment of students;
b.To provide enrichment experiences beyond those that the school can provide;
c.To provide more effective utilization of teacher time and skills;
d.To give more individual attention to students who need it; and
e.To promote greater community involvement in the academic and co-curricular programs of the District.
9230.1 General Principles
“Volunteers in Education” is a program of the District and is at all times guided by the principles and policies of the District.
Volunteers are assigned to a school only upon the request of the teacher or Building/Program Administrator.
Volunteers serve only in an auxiliary capacity under the direction and supervision of the Building/Program Administrator or other certified school personnel.
A volunteer is not a substitute for a member of the school staff, but does supply supplemental and supportive services.
A volunteer does not have access to confidential files and records.
Wherever possible, volunteers are assigned to the particular school or program where they wish to serve.
The relationship between volunteers and the school staff should be one of mutual respect and confidence.
All school volunteers work under the direction of the school staff and provide supportive services to them. Volunteers are not teachers; they assist teachers and will only be assigned to those staff members who request them. The volunteers shall never replace the paid school staff, nor will their presence mean that fewer paid staff members will be needed.
All students are expected to obey and attend to directives and instructions given to them by authorized volunteers of the District. Failure to abide by directives and instructions given by an authorized District Volunteer may result in disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct up to and including suspension from school.
Persons interested in volunteering time or services to the District should contact the Building/Program Administrator or Superintendent for assignment.
School volunteers serving in the District without financial compensation are bound by the policies, rules/ regulations and procedures of the District. They, as any other employee, are to be supervised by each Building/Program Administrator or other authorized school employees.
Approved: December 11, 2002
(Cf. 5203)
School facilities are available to the community for education, civic, cultural, and other noncommercial uses consistent with the public interest. Such use of any District facility or District grounds, however, shall not interfere with the daily school student routine or any school-sponsored student activity.[1]
The use of school facilities for school purposes has precedence over all other uses. Persons on school premises must abide by the District’s conduct rules at all times.
The Board directs the Superintendent to develop rules to provide for the use of school facilities.
9250.1 Equipment
Permission must be gained from the appropriate building Principal before any District equipment may be removed from the school grounds.
The Building Principal may authorize staff members to utilize District-owned equipment to develop software and associated documents outside of their work assignment, provided the development of the software is in the best interest of the District. Staff using District equipment and software shall be in compliance with all copyright laws.
Recognized bargaining units may use District equipment as provided for in the current negotiated master contract.
The Superintendent may authorize District employees to utilize District-owned equipment when available to develop software and associated documents outside of their work assignment, provided the development of said software is in the best interest of the District.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 333.12601 et seq.; AG Opinion #6460; Lamb’s Chapel v Center Moriches Union Free School District, 113 S. Ct. 2141
The Board shall ensure, to the extent of its legal powers, that every student and adult has an opportunity to attend school activities without fear or harm of injury to person or property. The Board shall not allow persons with disruptive intent to endanger the safety of students, school personnel or other adults; to damage school property; to interfere with school activities or the educational process; or to attempt to close the schools.
Disorder and disruption of school activities shall not be tolerated, and persons attempting such action shall be held accountable. When it becomes necessary to protect students, personnel, patrons and property, the Board shall seek the enforcement of all laws and prosecution of those who violate the law. Violation of any law and/or local city ordinance shall be referred to the appropriate law enforcement District, prosecutor, and courts for proper disposition.
Prosecution of those causing disorder, disruption, or disturbances on school property will be conducted under existing city, county and state laws and ordinances.
The Board recognizes the right of peaceful dissent providing that dissent does not infringe upon the rights of others. Further, exercising that right encourages open and constructive communication that may lead to improvement and betterment of school activities.
In accordance with administrative guidelines to be developed by the Superintendent, Building/Program Administrators shall be held responsible for providing for the safety and welfare of students and adults and the protection of school property from damages or injury by any person or groups of persons.
9290.1 Definition of Disturbances or Disorders
For the purpose of this section, state statutes covering disturbance of the peace or disorderly conduct shall be used as a basis for prosecution.
Any city, county, or township ordinance in effect at the time of any disturbance at a school activity shall be used by the Board to aid in the prosecution of any individual or groups of individuals responsible for such disturbance.
Upon conviction of any disturbance or disorderly conduct, the individual or groups of individuals will be barred by Board action from attending any District-sponsored activity or event held on school property. The length of the ban shall be determined by the Board and shall be based on the seriousness of the act or disturbance. The Board authorizes its staff members to enforce the ban, if any, by any reasonable force including calling law enforcement officials to aid them in carrying out their assigned duty.
The Board directs that no alcoholic beverage or other controlled substances be consumed or distributed nor will any betting occur at any function sponsored by the District.
The Board is aware of the increasing desire of many parents/guardians and other members of an audience to use "cam-corders" and other audio/visual devices at school events. The Board authorizes the use of such devices providing their use does not interfere with the conduct of the particular activity, impinge on the enjoyment of the event by other members of the audience, or violate copyright or contract provisions related to a performance.
Any person or organization seeking to film students or a school activity that is not a public event shall obtain prior permission from the Principal or the Superintendent based on permission of the parent/guardian.
Approved: December 11, 2002
Staff, students, or any other persons are not to use tobacco products at any time in any District buildings, transportation vehicles, owned or operated by or for the District. The use of tobacco products by any persons in violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, if an employee, or a report filed with appropriate law enforcement officials in the case of non-employees.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 333.12601 et seq.; 750.473; OAG, 1977-1978, No 5336, p. 502
(June 28, 1978)
The Board and/or Superintendent will consider the acceptance of gifts from the public.
9350.1 Gifts to Schools
Any organization or individual wishing to make a gift to the District must have the prior approval of the Board and/or Superintendent. All gifts will be regarded as gifts to the District. The Board, in general, will not accept gifts with conditions attached, except as otherwise noted in statute.
Donors shall be officially thanked, in writing, by the Board on behalf of the District and all gifts shall be publicly acknowledged, if the donor desires.
The Superintendent shall set forth criteria to be met in the acceptance of gifts and the procedure for examining and evaluating offers of gifts to the District.
9350.2 Income from Gifts and Bequests
Income derived from gifts and bequests shall be credited, if possible, to the fund requested by the donor. If the request of the donor cannot be fulfilled, the gift or bequest shall be deposited in the capital fund of the District or any other fund specified by the Board.
9350.3 Gifts by District Employees
District employees are discouraged from giving gifts to any student or class of students when such gifts arise out of a school situation, class or school-sponsored activity unless approved by the Superintendent.
9350.4 Gifts to District Employees
District employees are prohibited from receiving gifts of more than $50.00 of value from vendors, salespersons or other such representatives. Gifts may not be received from a vendor who is in the process of soliciting school business.
Because of the potential for abuse, the giving or receiving of gifts between faculty or staff and students should be discouraged.
9350.5 Students’ Gifts to Staff Members
Students shall be discouraged from collecting money, allocating activity funds or purchasing gifts for faculty members.
9350.6 Students’ Gifts to the School
Student organizations, with prior approval of the organization’s sponsor and Building/Program Administrator, may donate a portion of the organization’s funds to a school or to the District for specific purposes enumerated by them. Such donations must have final approval of the Superintendent or the Board depending on the size of the gift or its potential use.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board reserves the right to refuse distribution of any material by outside individuals or groups to the students of the District.
9370.1 Political Campaign Materials
In order to further citizenship training, the Board encourages responsible use of political materials for use in the appropriate classroom setting.
9370.2 Special Interest Materials
The Building/Program Administrator of each building shall establish rules and regulations governing the distribution of special interest materials in the building.
9370.3 Advertising in the Schools
No advertising of materials used for commercial purposes shall be permitted in the school buildings or on the grounds of the District without prior approval of the Superintendent. The decision of the Superintendent shall be final.
9370.4 Use of Religious Materials
The use of any religious materials may be used in the regular classroom to study the historical or cultural aspects of religion but such material is prohibited if used to indoctrinate the practice of a religion.
9370.5 Dissemination of Religious Materials
Materials that have a religious content may be made available to students during non-instructional time. The District shall impose content neutral, time, place, and manner restrictions on the dissemination of religious materials to ensure that students are aware that the materials are not being endorsed or sponsored by the District.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: Good News Club v. Milford Central Schools, 121 S.Ct. 2093 (2001)
The Board of Education welcomes and encourages visits to school by parents/guardians, other adult residents of the community and interested educators. However, in order for the educational program to continue undisturbed when visitors are present and to prevent the intrusion of disruptive persons into the District, it is necessary to invoke visitor controls.
The Superintendent or Principal/Supervisor has the authority to prohibit the entry of any person to a school of this District or to expel any person when there is reason to believe the presence of such person would be harmful to the school. If such an individual refuses to leave the school grounds or creates a disturbance, the Principal/Supervisor is authorized to request from the local law enforcement District whatever assistance is required to remove the individual.
Rules regarding the entry of persons other than students, staff, and faculty upon school grounds or premises shall be posted conspicuously at or near the entrance to such grounds or premises if there are no formal entrances, and at the main entrance to each school building.
Individual Board members who are interested in visiting programs or facilities on an unofficial basis shall make the appropriate arrangements with the program supervisor or building administrator. In keeping with Board bylaws, such Board member visits shall not be considered official unless designated as such by the Board.
The Board member shall be visiting as an interested individual in a similar capacity of any parent/guardian or citizen of the community. These visits should not be considered to be inspections nor as supervisory in nature.
If, during a visit to a facility or program, a Board member observes a situation or condition which causes concern, he/she should discuss the situation with the Superintendent as soon as convenient or appropriate. Such a report or discussion shall not be considered an official one from the Board. If the Board member believes the situation or condition is dangerous, he/she may wish to inform the Administrator also.
9400.1 Parent/Guardian Visitors to the Schools
Parent/guardian visits shall be made in accordance with the following guidelines:
a.Parent/guardian visits shall be scheduled with the teacher and the Building/Program Administrator;
b.The Building/Program Administrator or designated representative shall accompany the parent/guardian on the visit if the parent/guardian so desires;
c.Such visits are for becoming acquainted with school instruction, programs, personnel, operation, and/or the facility;
d.Parents/guardians shall refrain from giving directions or making evaluations of personnel or operating procedures during their visits;
e.If a school visit leaves a parent/guardian with a concern, this concern should be discussed with the Building/Program Administrator or Superintendent;
f.Board members who have students in the schools and therefore have parental/guardian opportunities to converse with their student’s teacher, counselor, or administrator shall make it clear that they are speaking and/or visiting as a parent/guardian and not as a member of the Board.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1137(2)
All complaints regarding the District should be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level.
9450.1 About Policies
Complaints about policies of the District should be directed to the Superintendent.
9450.2 About Curriculum
Complaints about the curriculum of the District should be directed to the Superintendent.
9450.3 About Instructional Materials
Complaints about specific instructional materials should be directed to the appropriate Building/Program Administrator.
9450.4 About Facilities and Services
Complaints about facilities and services should be directed to the Superintendent.
9450.5 About Personnel
Complaints will be investigated fully and fairly, and the employee’s rights to due process shall be protected at all times.
Whenever a complaint is made directly to the Board as a whole or to a Board member as an individual, it shall be referred to the administration for study and possible solution. The employee involved will be informed and shall be given every opportunity for explanation, comment and presentation of the facts as the employee sees them. The employee shall also be given the opportunity to meet with the person(s) making the complaint if the employee so desires.
If it appears necessary, the administration, the person who made the complaint or the employee involved may request a closed session of the Board for a full study and decision by this body.
Statutory provisions for Closed Sessions of the Board shall be observed.
Generally all parties involved, including the administration, will be asked to attend such a meeting to present additional facts and clarify the issues. Hearsay and rumor shall be disregarded as will any emotional display.
The Board shall conduct such meetings in as fair and just a manner as possible. The Board may request a disinterested third party to act as moderator to help the Board reach a mutually satisfactory solution.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 15.261 et seq.
Unauthorized persons loitering in, about any District building, or on school grounds shall be asked to leave the premises. Any such person failing to leave the premises shall be considered to be in probable violation of disorderly conduct or trespassing statutes and law enforcement officers shall be notified and requested to remove the individual from the building or grounds.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board shall cooperate whenever possible and practicable with other Intermediate school Agencies or Districts in matters of common concern.
This cooperation may extend to such areas as joint educational services, research, exchange of data and information, coordination of curriculum, coordination of school activities and calendars, and cooperative use of school facilities.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1280a
It is the policy of the Board of Education that strong lines of communication be maintained by the District with other Districts and with institutions and organizations that provide District students with programs, training, or services not available in the District.
The Superintendent may enter into such cooperative ventures with institutions organization for providing programs that correlate to the District’s curriculum and help students better accomplish the educational outcomes established by the Board.
Before entering into any agreements, the Superintendent shall keep the Board advised of any arrangements that would affect the use of District resources or require any additional resources of the District.
In order to maintain cordial and constructive relationships with private and parochial schools, the Superintendent shall maintain liaison with the administration of all such schools that enroll significant numbers of students resident in District in order to be aware of any program changes that may be planned that could affect this District; and to cooperate fully in the implementation of all State Federal programs administered by this District that benefit, in whole or in part, eligible students attending private or parochial school.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board of Education, in its discretion, may establish citizen advisory committees when there is a definite function to be performed. All appointments of citizens to advisory committees shall be approved by the Board. All appointments of staff members to citizen advisory committees shall be made by the Superintendent. Such members shall never constitute more than a minority of any such committee. Every effort shall be made to ensure that the makeup of an advisory committee is as truly representative of the District as possible. The chairperson of an advisory committee shall be chosen from among the lay members. Board members may be ex officio members of an advisory committee.
Specific topics for study or well-defined areas of activities shall be assigned in writing to each committee immediately following its appointment. Upon completing, its assignment, a committee either shall be given a new problem or shall be dissolved promptly. No advisory committee shall be permitted to continue for prolonged periods without a definite assignment. Each committee shall be instructed as to the length of time each member is asked to serve, the resources the Board intends to provide, the approximate dates on which the Board wishes it to submit reports, and the approximate date on which the Board wishes it to dissolve. Furthermore, the committee shall be instructed as to the relationship it has to the Board, to individual Board members, to the Superintendent, and to the remainder of the professional staff.
The structure and organization of an advisory committee shall be determined by the appropriate to the assignment. Advisory committees shall be encouraged to draw upon a wide variety of resources both inside and outside the District. Each committee shall be encouraged to draw upon the talents of other local residents and to recommend to the Board the official appointment of any such additional members as the committee may desire.
Expenditure of District funds by an advisory committee shall be made only upon the recommendation of the Superintendent. Supplies, equipment, and personnel from within the District may be obtained through the appointed staff resource person.
The Superintendent shall ordinarily conduct correspondence between the Board and non-Board committees.
The Superintendent shall transmit the contents of any communication from a committee to the Board.
When a committee is ready to submit a report on its assigned topic, the Superintendent shall arrange a meeting to receive the report.
The Board shall have the sole power to dissolve any of its advisory committees and shall reserve the right to exercise this power at any time during the life of any committee.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board seeks to establish a satisfactory working relationship and to open lines of communication with all governmental agencies having an interest in the activities of the schools in the District. This may be accomplished through the creation of ad hoc committees, inter-local memberships, or appointment of representatives to serve as liaison with specific organizations.
Approved: December 11, 2002
Cooperation with law enforcement agencies is essential for the protection of students, for maintaining a safe environment in the District schools, and for safeguarding all school property.
The behavior of students outside of school hours and away from the school grounds is the responsibility of the parents/guardians rather than the educational system. It is the feeling of the Board that a student under suspicion of having committed a misdemeanor or crime at times or places outside the jurisdiction of the school authorities, is entitled to the guidance, assistance and protection of the parent/guardian. It is the preference of the Board that police questioning of students in the schools and during school hours be undertaken only after the parent/guardian or parents/guardians have been duly notified and are present. The Building/Program Administrator shall notify an investigating officer(s) of this preference and seek his/her (their) cooperation in waiting until parents/guardians have been duly notified and are present before questioning begins.
Because of the nature of such investigation and because of the statutory authority bestowed upon the Family Independence District (FIA) concerning the investigation of child abuse, authorized agents of said department with proper identification shall be permitted to talk with students in school without the presence of the parent/guardian.
The District recognizes that the FIA may interview, lawfully, a child alleged to have been abused without the presence of the Building/Program Administrator or other school personnel. However, in appropriate cases, the Building/Program Administrator may request that he or she, or a designated representative, be present during the interview.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 722.628
The Board shall participate in local planning functions that may directly affect District schools and their immediate environment.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board directs the Superintendent to request that notification of zoning proposals and changes that may affect the District be sent to the District by zoning authorities in the county, townships, and cities within the District it being understood, however, that only the State Superintendent of Instruction is authorized, by law, to approve building and site plans for public schools.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: Charter Township of Northville, et al. v Northville Public Schools, et al., Mich App, No. 219124, (2001)
(Cf. 7760)
Political candidates or political parties shall be prohibited from promoting candidates or political party activities in school buildings during school hours except as they might be invited to speak, either as part of a class project or as part of the instructional program, as provided in the policy on controversial speakers.
Such organizations may use school facilities according to Board policy.
The circulation of petitions is not permissible when done during an employee or student’s assigned working hours.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board shall make every effort to keep its members informed of federal legislative proposals that affect schools. The Board may take positions on such issues and communicate such positions to Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators either directly or through its state association. Copies of positions sent to Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators may be sent to the Michigan Association of School Boards as a matter of record. The Board shall encourage its members to take an active role in influencing federal legislation affecting schools.
Approved: December 11, 2002
(Cf. 9730)
Any parent/guardian organization should request official recognition by the Board, and in so doing, present its purposes and goals, along with its constitution and bylaws, to assist the Board in its deliberations as to whether or not the organization should be recognized as a bona fide community/school group supported by the Board. Once recognized, such organizations shall work closely with the Board and school personnel in the buildings or the departments that they represent in any projects carried on for the benefit of the school or school programs.
The Board encourages active support and cooperation with parent/guardian organizations by administrators, teachers, and other employee groups.
Approved: December 11, 2002
9720.1 Relation with Parents/Guardians
The Board of Education believes that the education of children is a joint responsibility, one it shares with the parents/guardians whose children attend programs of the District. To ensure that the best interests of the child are served in this process, a strong program of communication between home and the District must be maintained.
The Board feels that it is the parents/guardians who have the ultimate responsibility for their children's in-school behavior, including the behavior of students who have reached the legal age of majority, but are still, for all practical purposes, under parental/guardian authority and being claimed as a dependent for income tax purposes. During school hours, the Board, through its designated administrators, acts “in loco parentis” (in place of the parents.)
The Board recommends that the following activities be implemented to encourage parent/guardian-District cooperation:
a.Parent/guardian-teacher conferences to permit two-way communication;
b.Open houses to provide parents/guardians with the opportunity to see the facilities, meet the faculty, and sample the program on a first hand basis; and
c.Meetings of staff members and groups of parents/guardians of those students having special abilities, disabilities, needs, or problems.
For the benefit of children, the Board believes that parents/guardians have a responsibility to encourage the child's career in school by:
a.Supporting the program by requiring that the children observe all District administrative guidelines, and by accepting their own responsibility for children's willful in-school behavior;
b.Sending children to school with proper attention to their health, personal cleanliness, and dress;
c.Maintaining an active interest in the student's daily work and making it possible for the student to complete assigned homework by providing a quiet place and suitable conditions for study;
d.Reading all communications from the District, signing, and returning them promptly when required; and
Cooperating with the District by attending conferences set up for the exchange of information of the child's progress in, the District program.
The Superintendent is responsible for facilitating parental/guardian involvement in the schools by affording special consideration to single and working parents/guardians. Schools should schedule meetings, programs, and events so that working parents/guardians can attend.
Approved: December 11, 2002
(Cf. 9710)
All school associated organizations, such as booster groups, which are formed to promote and assist in the financing of a given activity for the improvement of student education, shall be approved, and recognized by the Board. These organizations must keep on file in the Superintendent’s office a record of officers, bylaws, mailing addresses and other pertinent information.
Booster organizations shall handle their own accounting and bookkeeping procedures and maintain their own separate accounts for income and expenditures.
All purchases by such organizations shall be billed directly to them and sent to their mailing addresses and not to the schools or the District.
Equipment and material purchased by these organizations and presented to the school shall become the property of the school and under the control of the Board.
Approved: December 11, 2002
Any requests from civic institutions; charitable organizations, or special interest groups that involve such activities as patriotic functions, contests, exhibits, sales of products to and by students, sending promotional materials home with students, graduation prizes, fund raising and free teaching materials must be carefully reviewed to ensure that such activities promote student interests without advancing the special interests of any particular group.
It is the policy of the Board of Education that students, staff members, and District facilities not be used for advertising or promoting the interests of any non-school District or organization, public or private, without the approval of the Board or its delegated representative; and any such approval, granted for whatever cause or group, shall not be construed as an endorsement or said cause or group by this Board.
9750.1 Political/Commercial Interests
All materials or activities proposed by outside political or commercial sources for student or staff use or participation shall be reviewed by the Superintendent on the basis of their educational contribution to part or all of the District program, benefit to students, good taste, and no such approval shall have the primary purpose of advancing the name, product, or special interest of the proposing group.
The Board shall not permit the use of any type of educational material, program, or equipment in its curricular, co-curricular, or extra-curricular activities or at any time during the school day if such materials, programs, or equipment contain partisan political or commercial messages or are designed to persuade students or staff members to acquire a particular product or service offered by a named individual, company, organization, association, or District. Professional staff may utilize, however, political materials or those provided by special interest-groups in adopted courses of study with the approval of the Principal.
Outside speakers, representing commercial organizations will be welcome only when the commercial aspect is limited to naming the organization represented and the subject matter advances the educational aims of the District.
9750.2 Contests/Exhibits
The Board recognizes that contests, exhibits, and the like may benefit individual students or the District as a whole, but participation in such special activities may not:
a.Have the primary affect of advancing a special product, group or company;
b.Make unreasonable demands upon the time and energies of staff or students or upon the resources of the District; or
c.Cause the participants to leave the school District, unless the Board’s Policy 2340, Field and Other District-Sponsored Trips has been complied with in all aspects.
9750.3 Distribution/Posting of Literature
No outside organization or staff member or student representing an outside organization may distribute or post literature on that organization's behalf on District property either during or after school hours without the permission and prior review of the Superintendent.
The Superintendent shall establish administrative guidelines that ensure that:
a.Criteria are established for making a decision regarding materials that students seek to post or distribute;
b.Distribution or posting of materials employees wish to distribute on behalf of an employee organization comply with the terms of negotiated collective bargaining agreements;
c.The school mail system is not used by students or staff for distribution of non school-related materials; and
d.The time, place, and manner of distribution of all non school-related materials is clearly established and communicated.
9750.4 Prizes/Scholarships
The Board is appreciative of the generosity of organizations that offer scholarships or prizes to deserving students in this District. However, in accepting the offer of such scholarships or prizes, the Board directs that these guidelines be observed:
a.No information, either academic or personal, shall be released from the student's record for selecting a scholarship or prizewinner without the permission of the student who is eighteen (18), or the parents/guardians of a student who is younger in accordance with the Board's policy on student records;
b.The type of scholarship or prize, the criteria for selection of the winner, and any restrictions upon it shall be approved by the building administrator; and
c.The building administrator, together with a committee of staff members designated by the building administrator, shall be involved in the selection of the recipient.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board seeks to provide meaningful programs for students with special needs. It is recognized that a variety of unpaid work experiences may be beneficial when care is taken for appropriate activities and site selection. The following activities may be explored:
9800.1 Agreements with Private Individuals
a.Work cannot be guaranteed;
b.The District cannot be held accountable for items lost, damaged, or stolen when reasonable caution is taken to prevent such occurrence;
c.All bills must be paid when work is completed; and
d.A detailed estimate of the amount of work to be done, approximate time for completion, and cost must be signed by the designated official of the District and the party desiring the work.
9800.2 Agreements with Private Business or Industry
Agreements with private sector businesses for work placement must be instructional in nature. The District shall not enter into agreements that have the effect of displacing the employees or place the District in a position of subcontractor.
9800.3 Agreements with Non‑Profit Organizations
Students may receive work experience that is instructional in nature. This may be in the classroom or on a work site.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board may consider the use of student teachers and interns in classes and programs maintained by the District upon conclusion of a written contract with area colleges and universities.
Colleges and universities should first make contact with the Superintendent regarding placement of a student teacher or intern.
The Superintendent shall, make the final placement of student teachers or interns.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1531b
The contribution of appropriate educational research to teaching and school administration is recognized by the Board. The District shall cooperate when possible with colleges, universities, and other recognized agencies to promote educational research that shall:
Increase professional knowledge of teaching and learning processes and the social setting in which they operate;
Sharpen perception of instructional and administrative problems;
Establish instructional and management objectives; and
d.Assess progress toward accomplishment of District objectives.
All requests for use of District staff, students, or facilities for purposes of educational research shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent. The Superintendent's decision shall be final as to the appropriateness and value of the proposed research and whether or not to engage in the research/study.
Approved: December 11, 2002
[1] A school District has some legitimate options when deciding to what extent the general public may use District facilities. The Board can decide to deny use of its facilities to all outside groups (creating a closed forum), it may allow such use by any group (creating an open forum), or it may create a limited open forum by allowing use of school facilities provided the use is consistent with the public interest (as illustrated in this policy). If the Board decides to allow non school use of facilities, it may impose reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on the use.
The Supreme Court has held that denying a church access to school facilities to show a film on family values due to the film’s religious viewpoint is unconstitutional. (Lamb’s Chapel v. Center Moriches Union Free School District, 113 S. Ct. 2141.) The Supreme Court held that the denial violated the First Amendment free speech clause. The Court recognized that the District could legally preserve its property for school purposes. The District, however, allowed use for “social, civic, and recreational” purposes, but discriminated on the basis of viewpoint – all views from a religious standpoint were prohibited. This viewpoint discrimination is forbidden by the First Amendment.
The Supreme Court did not address, specifically, whether permitting a church to use facilities for religious services violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause.