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Section 7000 - Instructional Program
7010 Educational Philosophy
7020 Mission Statement
7025 Equal Educational Opportunity
7030 Educational Outcomes Goals
7040 Educational Process Goals
7050 Curriculum Development
7050.1 Technology
7050.2 Resources
7050.3 Distance Learning
7050.4 Personnel
7050.5 Materials
7050.6 Financial
7050.7 Pilot Projects
7050.8 Pilot Project Evaluation (Cf. 7700)
7150 Alternative School Programs
7150.1 Alternative High School
7160 Special Education
7160.1 Least Restrictive Environment Position Statement
7165 Career-Technical Education Program
7167 Programs for Gifted Students
7170 Federal Program Administration
7170.1 Title I Programs
7175 Parent/Guardian Involvement Policy - Title I Programs
7200 Partnerships (Cf. 9720)
7350 Instructional Resources
7350.1 Instructional Services
7350.2 Teacher Aides
7350.3 Resource Teachers
7350.4 Technology
7380 Instructional Program Prohibitions
7400 Instructional Materials
7400.1 Review Committee for Patron Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials (Cf. 9450)
7400.2 Technology
7420 Inspection by Parents or Guardians of Instructional Material
7460 Instructional Television
7460.1 Distance Learning
7463 Use of Commercially Produced Video Recordings
7475 Computer Assisted Instruction
7480 Resource Speakers (Cf. 7760)
7485 Community Resources
7485.1 Use of Community Resource Persons
7485.2 School Volunteers (Cf. 9230)
7490 Field Trips and Excursions
7500 Guidance Program
7500.1 Educational Guidance
7500.2 Personal Guidance
7500.3 Vocational Guidance
7650 Testing Program
7650.1 Test Administration
7650.2 Use and Dissemination of Test Results
7650.3 Student Assessment
7700 Evaluation of Instructional Program (Cf. 7650)
7760 Controversial Issues (Cf. 7480)
7770 Teaching about Religion
7800 School Ceremonies and Observances
7840 Substitute Teaching (Cf. 5685)
7880 Flag Displays
7910 Site-Based Decision Making
The Board believes that all individuals have an inherent right to equal educational opportunities that will lead to the development of their capabilities and such opportunity is the right of all individuals without regard to inherent abilities, race, creed, age, color, or national origin.
Approved: December 11, 2002
It is the mission of the C.O.O.R. Intermediate School District to:
a.Perform those functions mandated by law;
b.Engage in cooperative programs with other ISD’s and LEA’s to create programs that educate and serve the population;
c.Provide services to private schools and agencies as mandated by Federal and State laws; and
d.Provide leadership for effective educational change.
Approved: December 11, 2002
Every child, regardless of race, creed, color, age, sex, national origin, cultural or economic background, housing circumstances, or handicap, is entitled to equal opportunity for educational development.
No student will be excluded from participating in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity conducted by the District. The Board shall treat its students without discrimination as this pertains to course offerings, counseling, employment assistance, and extracurricular or co-curricular activities.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 1972, Title VI, Title VII. Executive Order 11246, 1965, as amended by Executive Order 11375, Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, Title IX 45 CFR, Parts 81, 86 (Federal Register, June 4, 1975, August 11, 1975.) Act No. 453 of the Public Acts of 1976 (Michigan Civil Rights Act); MCL 380.1146; 42 USCA §11433 (McKinney Homeless Assistance Act)
The Board of Education believes that the mission of the District is being accomplished when there is valid evidence that educational programs and services provided to constituent local Districts are making it possible for students to achieve one or more of the following educational outcomes, commensurate with their ability and potential:
a. Entry-level job skills and the skills and attitudes to obtain further education;
b. An understanding of others, including but not limited to those with social and cultural characteristics different from his/her own and of those with mental or physical disabilities and the ability to engage in responsible personal and/or support relationships with those who are different from one’s social or ethnic groups;
c. Use of the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to contribute effectively to the decision-making processes of the political and other institutions of the community, state, country, and world;
d. The capacity for fulfilling responsible and satisfying roles in family life, use of the knowledge, habits, and attitudes that assure good personal and public health, both physical and mental;
e. The willingness and ability to apply ethical principles and values to his/her own life;
f. An understanding of his/her own worth, abilities, potentialities, and limitations;
g. Enjoyment of the process of learning and commitment to continuous learning throughout one’s lifetime;
h. An understanding of and the ability to cope with change;
i. The educational goals specified in individual education program plans (IEP’s);
j. Use of the knowledge, skills, and understandings necessary to function as a responsible producer and consumer;
k. Promote student attendance and reduction of dropouts;
l. To develop in students a deep sense of personal responsibility of their actions;
m. To protect student’s safety, health, and welfare; and
n. To deal justly and constructively with all students in matters of discipline, ensuring due process and the protection of all rights.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 37.1402(b)
In order for its programs and services to function effectively, the Board of Education shall establish policies that will authorize and encourage:
a. Instruction which bears a meaningful relationship to the present and future needs and/or interests of students;
b. Specialized and individualized kinds of educational experiences to meet the needs of each student;
c. Opportunities for District staff members and students as well as those from its constituent local districts to make recommendations concerning the content and operation of District programs;
d. An environment in which any interaction among individual students and groups of students helps them learn how and when competition and cooperation are appropriate and productive in accomplishing goals;
e. Efficient and effective use of educational resources;
f. Continued professional growth of staff members; and
g.Constructive cooperation with parents/guardians and community groups.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility for the quality of the educational program of the schools. To this end, the curriculum shall be developed, evaluated, and adopted on a continuing basis and in accordance with a plan for curriculum improvement established by the I.S.D.
For purposes of this policy and consistent communication throughout the District, curriculum shall be defined as all the planned activities of the schools, including formal classroom instruction and out-of-class activity, both individual and group necessary to accomplish the educational goals of the District.
The Board directs that the curriculum of this District:
a. Provides instruction in courses required by statute and State Department of Education regulations;
b. Ensures, to the extent feasible, that special learning needs of students are provided for in the context of the regular program or classroom and provides for effective coordination with programs or agencies that are needed to meet those needs that cannot be dealt with in the regular program or classroom;
c. Is consistent with the District’s philosophy and goals and promotes their achievement;
d. Allows for the development of individual talents and interests as well as recognizes that learning styles of students may differ;
e. Provides a strategy for continuous and cumulative learning through effective articulation at all levels, particularly of those skills identified as essential and life-roll skills;
f. Utilizes a variety of learning resources to accomplish the educational goals; and
g. Encourages students to utilize guidance and counseling services in their academic and career planning.
As educational leader of the District, the Superintendent shall be responsible to the Board for the development and assessment of curriculum and the preparation of courses of study.
The Superintendent shall make reports to the Board periodically.
The Superintendent may conduct such innovative programs as are deemed to be necessary to the continuing growth of the instructional program and to ensure better accomplishment of the District’s educational goals.
The Superintendent shall report each such innovative program to the Board along with its objectives, evaluative criteria, and costs.
The Board encourages, where it is feasible and in the best interests of the District, participation in programs of educational research.
The Board directs the Superintendent to pursue actively State and federal aid in support of the District’s innovative activities.
7050.1 Technology
The Board supports the use of computers and related technology to enhance classroom instruction. The use of computers and related technology should significantly increase the opportunity for the expansion of student reasoning and thinking ability, the improvement of the management and delivery of instruction to all students and other uses in support of the Board approved curriculum.
7050.2 Resources
The administration is encouraged to utilize any available resource in the development of a comprehensive curriculum.
7050.3 Distance Learning
The administration is encouraged to explore the possibilities of various "distance learning" instructional tools to enhance the curricular offerings of the District including, but not limited to: Teleconferencing, web based instruction, satellite transmissions, and interactive CD-ROM's. Any such distance learning efforts will be appropriately piloted before being incorporated into the curriculum on a regular basis.
7050.4 Personnel
The Board encourages the use of District personnel as well as resource personnel from outside the District in the development of comprehensive curriculum and related materials.
7050.5 Materials
The Board recommends that the administration utilize and develop materials, which will aid in the development of curriculum to be approved by the Board for use in the District.
7050.6 Financial
The Board encourages the Superintendent to investigate, continuously, the availability of other-than-District funds to defray expenses incurred in the development of a District-wide curriculum.
7050.7 Pilot Projects
The use of pilot projects is encouraged by the Board before District-wide implementation of any curriculum area is initiated.
All instructional material, including teacher’s manuals, films, tapes, or other supplementary instructional material which will be used in connection with any research or experimentation program or project, shall be available for inspection by the parents or guardians of the student engaged in such program or project. For the purpose of this policy, research or experimentation program or project means any program or project in any applicable program designed to explore or develop new unproved teaching methods or techniques.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the administration can take whatever measures are required to ensure the integrity and validity of tests or assessments given or used under the pilot program.
7050.8 Pilot Project Evaluation
(Cf. 7700)
Before any pilot project proposal is submitted to the Board for approval, an evaluation format shall be developed and included with the pilot project.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board may periodically approve the establishment of alternatives to the regular school program. Such alternatives may include, but will not necessarily be limited to; program improvements developed by the staff of individual schools or specially designed schools approved by the Board.
All proposals for alternative school programs shall be presented by the Superintendent to the Board for its consideration and action.
7150.1 Alternative High School
The Board of Education recognizes that a regular high school program may not be appropriate for all students and that some students may need a different kind of educational program.
The Board, in collaboration with its constituent local Districts, may provide an alternative high school education program for those students that the Superintendent believes can benefit from such a program.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1282; 380.1596; 380.1301; OAG, 1985-1986, No 6271, p 13 (February 7, 1985)
The Board of Education shall, in cooperation with the constituent Districts, and the State Department of Education, provide a comprehensive, free, and appropriate educational program to all eligible handicapped persons ages zero (0) through twenty-five (25) that complies with Federal and State laws and guidelines.
The Superintendent shall prepare whatever administrative guidelines are necessary to ensure effective implementation of the special education program.
7160.1 Least Restrictive Environment Position Statement
It is the philosophy and position of the Board of Education, its administration, and constituent Districts that the primary responsibility for the administration and delivery of special education programs and services should be at the student’s resident District whenever appropriate.
Further, the Board endorses a commitment to the provision of a continuum of special education programs and services to students with disabilities within the Intermediate School District and its constituent Districts. Placement options shall follow a continuum of services model to ensure that each student with a disability is provided a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). To that end, every attempt will be made to serve, first, students with disabilities in the context of a regular education classroom. Other more restrictive environments such as: resource rooms, self-contained categorical classrooms or settings outside of the student’s resident school District will be considered only when placement in the regular classroom has been documented by the IEPC to be inappropriate for the student’s educational needs.
Administrative responsibility for special education programs in the District shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent who shall work closely with the local Districts in providing special education services. All diagnostic, evaluation, and placement procedures established shall be in accordance with state and federal guidelines.
The Superintendent shall prepare whatever rules and regulations are necessary to ensure effective implementation of the special education program.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: 20 USCA §1400 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA]); 29 USCA §794, et seq. (Rehabilitation Act of 1973); 42 USCA §12115; 28 CFR §1601.30 (Americans with Disabilities Act); MCL 380.4(2), 380.6(7); 380.1311; 380.1702; 380.1703; 380.1711; 380.1751; 380.1766; R 340.1701-1873
In collaboration with the District’s constituent Districts, the Board of Education shall provide a selection of vocational education courses from which a student can elect a program that will meet his/her individual interests, abilities, and post-secondary goals.
For purposes of this policy, “career-technical education” shall be defined as a program designed to provide educational experiences and guidance for students to plan and prepare for a future:
a. In the labor market as employable individuals immediately after graduation with productive, saleable skills; and
b. In education beyond high school with the opportunity to gain a marketable job skill(s) that will assist them in achieving career goals.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.684 et seq., 388.1311 AC Rule 395.231 et seq., 395.271
The Board of Education shall, at the request of one or more of its constituent Districts assist in the planning and implementation of programs to meet the educational needs of gifted students.
Gifted students may be considered those who, through valid assessment, show one (1) or more of the following abilities:
a. Specific academic ability superior to that of children of the same age or grade level;
b. Creative ability in a particular area superior to those of his/her peers; or
c. Superior leadership ability to that of his/her peers.
The learning outcomes of a program for gifted students shall be related to:
a. Expansion of academic attainments and intellectual skills;
b. Stimulation of intellectual curiosity, independence, and responsibility;
c. Development of originality and creativity;
d. Development of positive attitude toward self and others;
e. Development of desirable social and leadership skills; and/or
f. Career exploration and awareness.
The Superintendent shall develop procedures, which shall include those for valid identification, program development and implementation, and assessment of the learning outcomes.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1282
Federally funded programs are a vital and necessary adjunct to the educational program of the District's schools.
7170.1 Title I Programs
The Board shall ensure that the District's Title I programs operate in accordance with federal laws and conditions. The Superintendent is responsible for administering the District's Title I programs; assessing the educational needs of all students, particularly the needs of educationally deprived children, developing appropriate communication channels between all parties, developing in‑service training for parents/guardians and staff, and developing appropriate evaluation procedures.
Approved: December 11, 2002
In accordance with the requirement of Section 1118, Parent/Guardian Involvement Policy of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994, the COOR Intermediate Board of Education encourages parent/guardian participation in Title I programs which includes:
a. The involvement of parents/guardians in the planning, implementation and evaluation of Title I programs/services through participation on building School Improvement Teams;
b. Invitations to parents/guardians to attend annual meetings designed to provide Title I information and program services, and to solicit parent/guardians' suggestions on program development, planning, evaluation and operation;
c.Assistance to parents/guardians in understanding the Title I Law;
d. The development of a school/parent/guardian compact which outlines shared responsibilities for student achievement and describes the schools' responsibility for instruction and parent/guardians' responsibility for support;
e. Parent/guardian notification of Title I student selection and criteria for selection;
f. Information regarding child's achievement and progress;
g. A provision for input by Title I staff at regularly scheduled parent/guardian-teacher conferences and any additional communication as requested by the Title I staff or parent/guardian;
h. Opportunities to enhance parent/guardians' capacity to work with children in the home on school learning;
i. The annual review (evaluation) of the COOR Intermediate District’s Parent/Guardian Involvement Policy;
j.Ongoing communication between school and parent/guardian; and
k. Other appropriate activities (i.e. Family Math Nights, parenting/guardian sessions, science, theatre, etc).
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994.
(Cf. 9720)
The Board may enter into partnership programs between the District, and the schools of the District, and business and/or educational institutions for the mutual benefit of the students, professional staff, and the outside organization. Such partnerships may include, but are not limited to: adopt-a-school programs, cooperative vocational education agreements, or the lending of equipment. Partnership agreements should ensure an awareness of the use of technology in the workplace.
Approved: December 11, 2002
7350.1 Instructional Services
The Board encourages the use of instructional services available to the District.
7350.2 Teacher Aides
The Board recommends the use of teacher aides where practicable.
7350.3 Resource Teachers
The Board encourages the utilization of resource persons who are available in the community.
7350.4 Technology
The Superintendent shall develop a process that coordinates the purchase of technological equipment for the District. Such a process shall provide for equipment or hardware, software compatibility, and future applications.
The Superintendent shall provide for appropriate staff in-service training on the utilization of technological equipment and uses of equipment and software relative to the instructional program and administrative applications.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1421-1422
A student shall not be required to take part in any instructional survey, analysis, or evaluation that discloses information that is protected under federal law, unless the District receives prior consent from a student over 18 years of age, or prior written consent from a parent or guardian of a student less than 18 years of age.
The District shall give students notice of their rights under this policy annually or as otherwise needed.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: 20 USCA §1232g (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 [FERPA])
Efforts are to be made so that the District’s collection of instructional materials reflects the broad interests represented in the curriculum, complemented by enrichment materials in a variety of forms. To meet recommended standards, the administration and Board support the development of a collection adequate to meet curricular needs of the students.
7400.1 Review Committee for Patron Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials
The Board shall establish a review committee to handle complaints from patrons concerning instructional materials. (Cf. 9450)
7400.2 Technology
The Board encourages District employees to develop computer software and support materials for instructional and administrative use by the District. The Board encourages partnerships with private enterprises in marketing software that has general application in a particular field.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1274; 380.1422; 15.231-246; 397.601-605
A parent or guardian shall be permitted to inspect all instructional materials used by the District in evaluating, surveying, or analyzing students in furtherance of an instructional program. Instructional materials shall include teacher’s manuals, films, tapes, or other supplementary materials.
The District shall give parents and guardians notice of their rights under this policy annually.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: 20 USCA § 1232g (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974 [FERPA])
The Board shall support telecommunication systems that support instruction, learning, and are applicable to instructional progress.
The Board encourages partnerships between the District and community entities where it can be demonstrated that such partnerships shall have a positive impact upon student learning.
The Board also encourages national and international linkage through satellite communication, fiber optics and other transmission mechanisms in support of distance learning activities for students.
7460.1 Distance Learning
The Board shall budget resources needed to acquire and maintain the hardware and programming necessary to utilize the capabilities of this use of technology.
Approved: December 11, 2002
Videotapes will be selected and assigned to give support directly to instructional learning objectives contained within the Board approved programs.
Videotapes, when used, shall be selected for their direct relevance to the instructional program. General selection criteria should include quality of the overall work and its individual parts, fair and accurate representation of the facts, the reputation, and significance of the writer, director, and/or performer.
Videotapes shall not be used for recreation or entertainment, or for other than planned instructional purposes.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: 20 USCA §6811 (The Technology for Education Act of 1994)
The Board supports computer assisted instruction for the District's students in order that the students may accomplish, efficiently and completely, their educational goals and become computer literate.
The Board shall demonstrate this support by establishing computer-learning centers/labs, as funds are available. Such funds may be obtained through state and federal sources, donations, and gifts or through the allocation of District funds.
Approved: December 11, 2002
(Cf. 7760)
No overall standard can be established which will automatically separate and exclude a person whose views or manner of presentation may actually obstruct the educational process or jeopardize the health and safety of students or staff. However, in an effort to uphold the students’ freedom to learn while also recognizing obligations, which the exercise of this freedom entails, the Board does establish guidelines, found in 7480-R, that govern the selection of resource speakers to be used in any attendance center in the District.
Approved: December 11, 2002
The Board encourages the utilization of community resources in the instructional program of the school.
7485.1 Use of Community Resource Persons
The use of community resource personnel is encouraged where a legitimate educational objective may be advanced.
7485.2 School Volunteers (Cf. 9230)
The use of school volunteers is encouraged whenever a legitimate educational objective may be advanced.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 691.1505
The Board of Education recognizes that field trips, when used for teaching and learning integral to a course of study or IEP, are an educationally sound and important ingredient in the instructional program. Properly planned and executed field trips should:
a. Supplement and enrich classroom procedures by providing learning experiences in an environment outside the schools;
b. Arouse new interests among students;
c. Help students relate school experiences to the reality of the world outside of the school;
d. Bring the resources of the community – natural, artistic, industrial, commercial, governmental, educational – within the students learning experience; and
e. Afford students the opportunity to study real things and real processes in their actual environment.
For purposes of this policy, a field trip can be defined as any planned journey by one or more students away from District premises, which is under the supervision of a professional staff member and an integral part of a course of study or IEP.
Other District-sponsored trips shall be defined as any planned, student travel activity that is approved as part of the District’s total educational program.
The Superintendent shall approve all other trips including trips that are planned to keep students out of the District overnight or longer.
Students may be charged reasonable fees for field trips, but no student shall be denied participation for financial inability, nor shall nonparticipation be penalized academically.
Students on field trips remain under the supervision of this Board and are subject to its administrative guidelines.
The Board does not endorse, support, or assume liability in any way for any staff member, volunteer, or parent/guardian of the District who takes students on trips not approved by the Board or Superintendent. No staff member may solicit students of this District of those from a constituent local District for such trips within the facilities or on the grounds of the District or within non-District facilities used for District programs without permission of the Superintendent. Permission to solicit neither grants nor implies approval of the trip. Such approval must be obtained in accordance with the Districts administrative guidelines for extended trips.
The Superintendent shall prepare administrative guidelines for the operation of both field trips and other District-sponsored trips that shall ensure that:
a. The safety and well-being of students shall be protected at all times;
b.Parental/Guardian permission is sought and obtained before any student leaves the District on a trip;
c. Each field trip is properly planned, and if a field trip, is integrated with the course of study or IEP, evaluated, and followed up by appropriate activities which enhance its usefulness;
d. The effectiveness of field trip activities is judged in terms of demonstrated learning outcomes;
e. Each trip is properly monitored;
f. Student behavior while on a trip complies with the local District’s student code of conduct or the behavioral management plan; and
g. Emergency medial treatment is authorized.
A professional staff member shall not change a planned itinerary while the trip is in progress, except where the health, safety, or welfare of the students in his/her charge is imperiled or where changes or substitutions beyond his/her control have frustrated the purpose of the trip.
In any instance in which the itinerary of field trip is altered, the professional staff member in charge shall notify the administrative superior immediately.
All trips to foreign countries and overnight trips are to be approved in advance by the Board. The Superintendent shall provide the Board with a recommendation concerning any overnight or foreign trip. The recommendation shall take into account any foreign travel warnings or cautions of the U.S. Department of State. In addition, before making any recommendation, the Superintendent shall seek advice concerning overnight or foreign travel from the District’s legal counsel and insurance carrier. The Superintendent shall develop rules and regulations regarding educational field trips.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1321-1332; R 340.241-243
The guidance program shall be organized to meet the needs, interests, and abilities of all individual students with their own particular capabilities, their aptitudes and their personalities. It is a District goal to make each student an active participant in the learning process and not simply a passive absorber of knowledge.
The guidance and counseling services of the District shall be available to any student and shall not discriminate against any student based on sex, race, age, color, national origin, or disability.
7500.1 Educational Guidance
The educational guidance program shall relate to the educational objectives and needs of the students.
7500.2 Personal Guidance
The guidance program shall provide for the individual needs of the students.
7500.3 Vocational Guidance
The District shall assist students in formulating vocational goals and objectives. Cooperative vocational education, job placement, apprenticeship training is offered without regard to race, age, color, sex, national origin, or disability.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1233; 20 USCA §1232 (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act); 28 CFR §4241; 28 CFR §42.405 (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act); 42 USCA §1981 et seq. (Civil Rights Act); 20 USCA §1681; 34 CFR §106.8; 34 CFR §106.9 (Title IX of the Education Amendments); 29 USCA §794, et seq. (Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
There will be a basic testing program designed to evaluate the outcomes of the educational program and to provide information needed in working with individuals. The basic testing program shall be supplemented by such individual tests as the need of the educational program and the District would seem to indicate.
7650.1 Test Administration
Each program administrator in cooperation with the guidance staff shall schedule individual and group testing at times that will not disrupt the educational decorum of the school.
7650.2 Use and Dissemination of Test Results
Under no circumstances will the results of any individual or group test as defined in these policies be given to unauthorized people. When interpreting individual or group test results, staff members shall use great care so as not to identify any individual.
Generalized results of mass testing may be given to parents/guardians and other authorized persons in the form of a report if adequate interpretation of said results accompanies the report. No report shall be given to any person without prior approval of the Superintendent. Procedure in such matters is defined in these policies, generally.
All test results must be filed in a secure place not available to unauthorized individuals.
7650.3 Student Assessment
The District shall provide for student assessment methods that use a variety of criteria-based strategies, including at least: Written examinations, oral examinations, alternative questions, demonstrations, writing exercises, individual projects, group projects, performances, student portfolios, and samples of student’s best works.
The program administrator shall establish rules for implementing this policy in cooperation with the Superintendent, and shall be responsible for ensuring that all high school level courses include one or more appropriate comprehensive exam(s) or other assessment.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1172; 380.1204a; 380.1278; 380.1279; 380.1279b; 380.1279c; R 340.1101-1107; OAG, 1983-1984, No 6148, p 107 (April 15, 1983)
(Cf. 7650)
The Board of Education believes that effective education includes proper evaluation of the results produced from the educational resources provided by the community and the government. As the governing body of the District, the Board has the responsibility for assessing how well goals are being accomplished.
The Superintendent shall establish administrative rules to implement this policy and shall report to the Board as requested regarding District progress toward meeting the goals established.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1282
The Board of Education believes that the consideration of controversial issues has a legitimate place in the instructional program of the schools.
Properly introduced and conducted, the consideration of such issues can help students learn to identify important issues, explore fully and fairly all sides of an issue, weigh carefully the values and factors involved, and develop techniques for formulating and evaluating positions.
For purposes of this policy, a controversial issue is a topic on which opposing points of view have been promulgated by responsible opinion and/or likely to arouse both support and opposition in the ISD community.
The Board will permit the introduction and proper educational use of controversial issues provided that their use in the instructional program:
a. Is related to the instructional goals of the course of study and level of maturity of the students;
Does not tend to indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view; and
Encourages open-mindedness and is conducted in a spirit of scholarly inquiry.
b. Controversial issues related to the program may be initiated by the students themselves provided they are presented in the ordinary course of classroom instruction and it is not substantially disruptive to the educational setting.
c. Controversial issues may not be initiated by a source outside the schools unless prior approval has been given by the appropriate Principal, supervisor, or vocational department head.
When controversial issues have not been specified in the course of study, the Board will permit the instructional use of only those issues that have been approved by the Principal, supervisor, or vocational department head.
In the discussion of any issue, a teacher may express a personal opinion, but shall identify it as such, and must not express such an opinion for the purpose of persuading students to his/her point of view.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1507
Teachers may teach about religion, religious literature, and history but are prohibited from teaching, expounding, criticizing, or ridiculing a particular religion. Religious texts may be used to teach about religion, but the use of religious texts is prohibited if used to teach a particular religious doctrine or in any other way except as outlined above.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1217
(Cf. 7770)
7800.1 Recognition of Religious Beliefs and Customs
Employees of the District shall neither promote nor disparage any religious belief or non-belief. The Board encourages all students and staff members to appreciate and to be tolerant of each other’s religious views. The Board shall utilize its authority to foster understanding and mutual respect among students and parents/guardians, whether it involves race, culture, economic background, or religious belief. Students and staff members may be excused from participating in practices that are contrary to their religious beliefs unless there are clear issues and overriding concerns that would prevent it.
Classroom teachers or other staff members shall not use prayer or readings from specifically religious work as a devotional exercise or an act of worship. The schools shall not act as a disseminating agent for any person or outside District for any religious or anti‑religious document, book, or article. However, the use of such reading in connection with objective studies in comparative religion, humanities, social studies, literature, and the like is encouraged.
School observance of religious holidays with devotional exercises or an act of worship is prohibited. Acknowledgment of, explanation of, and teaching about religious holidays is encouraged. Small scale parties, decorations, and the like are permitted, but it is the responsibility of all faculty members to see that such activities are strictly voluntary, do not place an atmosphere of social compulsion or ostracism on minority groups, and do not interfere with the regular school program.
The Board, through its instructional program, shall attempt to advance all student’s knowledge and appreciation of the role that religious heritage has played in the social, cultural and historical development of civilization.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1175; 380.1217; OAG, 1965-1966, No 4405, p 115 (September 10, 1965); Lee v. Weisman, 112 S. Ct. 2649 (1992)
The Board encourages the administrative staff to secure qualified substitute teachers for use in the District.
The Superintendent and program administrators will compile a list of all substitute teachers available to the District, and each program administrator shall have a copy of said list prior to the beginning of school each year.
Each program administrator shall secure substitute teachers for use in the building/program on a need basis and from the master list noted above.
Approved: December 11, 2002
LEGAL REF: OAG, 1985-1986, No 6360, p 283 (May 13, 1986)
Each District building where students are being taught, in accordance with law, shall display the United States flag each day that the building is open for students. The flag shall be flown outside of the building according to accepted display procedures. All classrooms shall display the United States flag in a prominent place.
The display of the Michigan flag is optional.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1347
Individuals responsible for the implementation of a program or plan should take an active part, either directly or through appropriate representation, in the planning and decision-making process. Under site-based decision-making, decisions should be made at the level closest to the issue being addressed to the extent feasible.
The Board believes that site-based decision-making shall:
a. Provide teachers, other staff members, students where appropriate and the community increased opportunity to participate in and contribute to decisions which affect them;
b. Recognize the expertise and competence of those who work in individual schools to make decisions to improve learning;
c. Improve staff morale;
d. Bring the financial and instructional resources in line with the instructional goals implemented in each school;
e. Provide better services and programs to students; and
f. Increase both the quality and quantity of communication within a school and with the community.
Approved: December 11, 2002 LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1277