COOR Preschool Partnership
85% of a child's brain is developed by age 5. Children learn more from birth to age 5 than at any other point in their lives. Early Childhood Programs provide the experiences your child needs for success in school and in life. Children grow and develop motor skills, creativity, literacy, math, social skills, and much more through play and exploration.
Parents Begin Here!
The C.O.O.R. Pregnancy to Preschool Partnership is a joint recruitment and enrollment effort. It was developed by local agencies to ensure a family-friendly intake and enrollment process for early childhood programs in Crawford, Ogemaw, Oscoda, and Roscommon counties.
Families that complete the intake information are referred to the eligible program(s):
Click here to connect and register with: COOR Preschool Partnership
Infant Mental Health: Evaluation and treatment of behavioral and intellectual-development.
Maternal Infant Health Program: Health assessment and assistance for pregnant women and infants. Services include Nurse, Social Work, and Dietitian, focused on education and risk reduction.
Healthy Futures: A follow-up postpartum home visit with a nurse and phone contacts though baby's age to 15 months.
Early Head Start: Offered by the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency (NEMCSA) and Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency (NMCAA), a federally-funded program for eligible families, pregnancy to age 3. Home based family-child development program. Focuses on parent as child's first teacher.
Early On: Services for children who have developmental or health concerns. Services include home visitors, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Psychology/Social Worker, Registered Nurse. Federally legislated under IDEA Part C, also known as early intervention.
Great Parents -Great Start: Offered by the C.O.O.R. ISD, a home visiting program available to all families from pregnancy to age 5. Parent-child home visits that utilizes parent coaching to achieve early learning outcomes. Funded through Michigan's Great Start section 32p.
Head Start: Offered by the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency (NEMCSA) and Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency (NMCAA), a federally-funded preschool program that promotes the school readiness of children ages 3-5 years old.
Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP): Offered by local school districts and community-based organizations, GSRP is Michigan's state-funded preschool program for 4-year-old children.
Healthy Families Northern Michigan: Home Visiting Partnership and Supportive Guidance program for families of children from pregnancy through 4 years of age.
Families and children are referred to programs based upon parent preference, child's residence, special needs, and eligibility requirements. Every attempt is made to fill all home visiting programs, Head Start and Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) openings prior to the establishment of a waiting list. All programs serve children with disabilities and/or special needs.
Children under age 3 Parenting a family is a big job! There are a lot of ways to find positive supports and we are here to help! If you are expecting a baby or have a child under age 3 years, learn more about potential programs and services below and complete an Intake Form.
Children Age 3 or 4 on or by December 1