COOR Educational Center
Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers:
Find the important COVID 19 Return to Learning resources here for the COOR Educational Center:
The C.O.O.R. Educational Center (CEC) is an educational institution providing services to students with Moderate Cognitively Impaired, Severe Multiple Impaired, Autistic, and Severe Cognitively Impaired students in the C.O.O.R. service area.
The CEC Experience
Students attending the centralized programs at the CEC participate in educational programming based on a functional skills curriculum. In keeping with the functional skills curriculum concept, the purpose of the educational process at the Center is to facilitate the students’ success in the larger community. The CEC experience provides an extensive set of age-appropriate community-based education experiences focusing on hands-on participation.
Classroom Programming
Classroom programming includes the development of communication skills, socialization skills, physical education, pre-vocational education, and vocation education.
Adult Transition Program
Students in the Adult Transition Center, based in Roscommon, are provided with a very intense set of community-based training experiences designed to provide a coordinated set of activities between the school and adult service providers. These activities include pre-vocational training, work-study, integration of community skills, assistance in developing an adult living plan, referral to agencies such as Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Community Mental Health, and other public or private agencies that assist the student.
Contact Us:
For more information about our services, please contact our school directly at (989) 275-9550
COOR Educational Center Continuum of Services
Consideration for Placement Infographic
fillable Consideration for Placement Referral Form
printable Consideration for Placement Referral Form