Prof. Learning

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Welcome to the C.O.O.R. Intermediate School District

Strategic Planning 2024-25

Thank you for submitting your feedback through our focus groups and community survey!  A team of community partners met in January to review the feedback and help set new goals.  We will be finalizing those goals and creating a plant to align our work to meet those goals in the next few weeks. When our goals are finalized, we will share them with you!

Constituent Districts

C.O.O.R. ISD  includes the counties of Crawford, Oscoda, Ogemaw, and Roscommon, an area covering 2,600 square miles. Within this area, C.O.O.R. serves six local public school districts and two Public School Academies. 

The ISD collects and monitors data that is required by the Michigan Department of Education and works with local districts to ensure that the type and nature of services needed within our area are properly represented at the state level.

The services that the ISD provides allow local school districts regardless of size to have access to quality personnel, services and programs that they could not afford individually. This prevents unnecessary duplication and better use of state and local money through the sharing of resources.

About C.O.O.R. ISD

Board of Education Meetings

Our regular meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM.   Public Notices for Public Meetings are listed on the Board of Education page.

Board of Education

An Equal Opportunity Program / Employer

Auxiliary aids, services, and alternative formats will be made available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Michigan Relay Center 1-844-578-6563 (Voice and TTY) The C.O.O.R. Intermediate School District gives notice that it does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), religion, height, weight, or marital status in the education programs and activities operated by the District, including employment. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Alexis Ferguson, Human Resources;;
11051 North Cut Road, Roscommon MI 48653, (989) 275-9554.

Career & Technical Education

We have invested over $2.5 million into our NEW C.O.O.R. Advanced Technical Innovation Center, located adjacent to the Roscommon Middle School.  This new centralized location still serves students from across the Intermediate School District.  Learn about each program:
Career & Technical Education

Early Middle College

Most local districts are now offering transportation for CTE students. The Vocational Early Middle College options will continue to allow high school students to earn college credit in Welding, Automotive, or Criminal Justice TUITION-FREE

C.O.O.R. ISD Goals

Academic & Programs Enhance programs and services that directly improve achievement in all areas.
Community Engagement Develop and implement a communication plan that engages and encompasses all external stakeholders
Learning Environment & Culture Improve relationships with community partners.
Operations & Finance Develop and implement a prioritized resource plan to expand programs and services.
Personnel & Leadership Develop and implement a recruitment and retention plan for all staff.
Mission Statement C.O.O.R. ISD provides programs and services with our partners to support the current and emerging teaching and learning needs of our schools and communities.
Vision Statement The Vision of the C.O.O.R. ISD is to be the leader for excellence in the continuum of services supporting programs within the schools and communities we serve.

Need Confidential Help?


  • Calling 211 offers confidential help in our Northeast Michigan area for a variety of needs. Call today to see if there is assistance for your needs.
  • Calling 988 offers confidential help for a mental health crisis as well.